Kim Kardashian Makes $1M Per Insta Post | TMZ TV

That's a lotta cheddar!


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    • doubt it!

      for whatever reason, people are obsessed with her and her family.

      i ain’t mad at that.

  1. Kim Kardashian just announced that she’s launching a health series called AlkalineFoodStore dot com

    This should be interesting!

    • +cyberpunk 97′ what I meant by my comment is, Kim kardasian is idolized and paid millions, and what did she give the world but a sex tape, people that do good for other barely scrap by, that’s what I mean about a messed up world.

    • +I Am Chosen she is an fashion and lifestyle influencer. Try to look past the sex tape m8. Recording yourself having sex is not that abnormal.almost Everyone does that. She’s smart enough to build a brand around herslef. She single handedly built this multi billion dollar industry called plastic surgery. Of course, one can argue that’s fucked up. But hey, it is 21st century. You either is a wolf or a sheep. She is a wolf . And that is what matters.

  2. She charges alot. I only pay women a pack of GPC cigarettes for “their time”. (They say it’s not prostitution if I say it that way)

  3. goddammmm she the #1 ho I’m the world kudos keep pimping 👋👋👋👏👏😎😎💙

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