Rosie O’Donnell Predicts Donald Trump’s Future | TMZ TV

Rosie O'Donnell Might Be Psychic?


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    • RL Frohs New York daily news reported in April 2016 that she would be moving to Canada. Google can be useful to check out information. Just a friendly tip.

    • Jbgoth Thanks for the info. She has said many times that there will never be a video of her saying she would leave the USA cuz she has never said that. She has the $ to travel any place and never enjoys being outside of the USA. Ppl that hate her so much I don’t really get. She has never done anything to hurt our country and she managed to make millions in the entertainment industry. Her son is a marine. She has established the Broadway Kids for NY city students and gives to many charities. Throwing out hate behind a computer screen seems cowardly and boring. I am not referring to you jbgoth. I appreciate you sharing what you read.

  1. 1. Didnt she say she would move to Canada if trump won?
    2. She has really lost herself, lot of gray hair.

  2. TRUMP 2020 sorry America but you’ll all did it to yourselves

    Ps we don’t want Rosie in Canada

  3. So you Wanna lock Donald Trump up for some meaningless BS but you have ( George W. Bush) responsible for the DEATHS of 3000+ plus individuals during the day of (SEPTEMBER 11, 2001) as well as all the veterans that were murdered overseas for going to a fake war That should have never happened due to the simple fact that 19, TERRORIST never hijacked 4 planes and crashed them into NO buildings who’s responsible for that (the CIA) & ( the Bush) administration the 107th Congress and all FEDERAL and STATE AGENCIES in AMERICA & ( THE IRS)

  4. September 11th 1991 George HW Bush took out 240 billion dollars worth of American taxpayers war bonds 10 year war bonds from September 11th 1991, the collection date And authenticity of ownership set for September 11th 2001, 10, years from the day. Now if your education does not exceed high enough to understand the stock market & the banking system & the IRS & how the military works then you will never figure nor understand the true and actual events that unfolded on the day of September 11, 2001. 9/11 goes as far back as ( 1997) What the creation of the document ( PNAC) PROTECTS FOR NEW AMERICAN CENTURY !

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