Wendy Williams Talks Dating After Dinner with Blac Chyna | TMZ

Wendy Williams is enjoying all the perks of being a bachelorette in New York City — there's nothing stopping her from fun dinners with friends … and making new ones.


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  1. Wow I’m surprised they went out after the show,
    women empowerment anyone?

    • Girl, I love it…I couldn’t stand either one of them but something about controversy makes you see things differently and I see them both now as women as opposed to celebs. Women Empowerment 4Real…

  2. I think Wendy Williams is having dinner with Black Chyna to apologise for all the trash talk about her over over the years. Wendy Williams is correcting her wrongs which is good.
    New Wendy Williams is now more sociable and in touch with reality. She definitely has to rebrand after that 22 year horrible marriage to Kevin Hunter.
    Wendy Williams is now gloooooowiiiiiiiing!

    • No, more like Black finessed Rob for the next 18 years and is a self made millionaire, Wendy wants her clout

    • pickle ell I don’t think Wendy Williams wants anything from Chyna. Wendy is going up right now. If anything, it’s Chyna who will benefit from Wendy’s power and influence.
      Celebrities come on Wendy’s show for exposure and it actually pays off for them.

  3. That was so cute of them & I loved the interview…Wendy must’ve really liked Angela aka Blac Chyna🥰

  4. Two peas in the same pot. Why would anyone be surprised that they are developing a friendship?

  5. Wonderful interview….I Love Angela’ however, I know it’s all about the $$$$ ….I still don’t like BLaQ Chyna’s character, she getting paid….she gotta raise her kids……Beautiful children…..I have a new respect for her tho……Im happy Wendy finally, living life by her terms….Be happy always Wendy I love u2 & the show ….Keep it real…..Praying for u xoxo

  6. Wendy williams wanna get her T.H.O.T. on…..😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

  7. After all she said about chuna in the past….This is lower than low for her to go out with her ..Seems like her words are just trash to her dignity .She used to call chyna trashy and showed her to be upscale n opulent💥
    Now what am I supposed to believe Wendy,I know u r 54💓 and getting through divorce but really gurl what’s good???🤧

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