Britney Spears’ Medications Triggered Her Mental Health Crisis | TMZ NEWSROOM TODAY


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  1. Whoโ€™s the real drug dealers in America?๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

    • +Brian Last

      That’s heartbreaking. My sympathies to them as well…I can’t fathom how difficult it must be for all of you. ๐Ÿ˜”

    • +John Smith lol Who said the doctors in my family doesn’t care? Do you think they never talk about their profession and the people they work with? Do you think they never discuss the ins and outs of the medical industry and things they ‘ve learned and witnessed? We talk do talk dear. โ˜บ

    • +Traci-Jean Behind Blue Eyes it’s tough barely sleepover it . She a seizure before she passed I laid on top of her to get her to stop shaking . She went to the hospital and her heart stopped .

    • Thats totally me…i exercise a lot…pray and eat right and stay away from the real problem… idiot and evil ppl !!! Not all meds are created for different mental illness.

    • Probably They gonna commit Suicide, but actually even Vips doing that so it’s not about money

    • meds make most worse. have you ever read side effects beside top 10 listed to each drug?
      did you know eating a handful of cashews each day works like Prozac? B vitamin niacin is a natural anti depressisant??

      b vitamins folic acid and/ or b-12 cures women’s raging PMS???? and men get PMS too.
      b-12 is only good if taken by a vegan source.

      to hell with meds… deal with childhood issues from beginning, blah blah blah…… find reality and natures source.

    • Whoa, never thought about that. Some mental illnesses are very bad, not having coverage though state or work would be horrible.

  2. Mental health is serious guys, if your reading this and depressed hmu im always down to talk ๐Ÿ’ฏ

    • It goes well beyond the Disney club, they just happened to have handlers at a very young age due to their parents selling them out. Sick fucking world.

    • It’s more like her father and her team fault. She had this conservatorship since 2008. She can’t drive, can’t even make decision, and her cancelled show is when she can more ‘hands-on’ with her idea that’s why she was excited with her upcoming vegas show. But as usual her team and father didn’t let her..and now she went to mental rehab against her will. The thing is: she have rebelled many times about this c-ship. The news y’all see are lies..they keep switching the stories.

  3. How would asking the person possibly being poisoned in this case Wendy Williams check or help or rule out them being poisoned? If you are in love/denial with the man or whomever is poisoning you of course you are not going to think they are doing it! What the hell police?!

  4. She’s waking up better throw her in somewhere quick!๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

  5. I do beleive kevin medicaded her thru food with sleep aids so he can sneak out at nite

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