Cory Booker Dotes on GF Rosario Dawson, Says She’d be Incredible First Lady | TMZ

Cory Booker says the future is very, VERY bright for him and Rosario Dawson … and it'll be downright blinding if she joins him in The White House.


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    • Don’t worry after election he’ll be dating men again….Rosario is just a front

    • It’s just like when rumors began to make the rounds about Ryan Seacrest being gay, then all of a sudden he has a girlfriend, what a coincidence, but just because you have a new girlfriend it doesn’t mean you’re not gay, Elton John is as gay as can be yet he was married to a woman in the 80’s to try and disprove rumors that he was gay.

  1. Whoah! Spartacus is hooked up with Rosario Dawson? ๐Ÿคฏ Nahh………… ๐Ÿค”No way….

  2. Wow!! A fake straight man who everyone knows is gay, playing the race card with the Latina will make a great First Lady! Only a fake Hispanic would fall for this crap! How much are they paying Rosario Dawson to be his fake girlfriend!

  3. If he doesn’t win will she still be his GF, or will she be gone as quick as she appeared .

  4. She will be gone quicker than the Roy Moore ” accusers” if ms Boogers not elected!

  5. Incredible first lady within the netflix world…. other than that her & Booker should never see the oval office, ever!

  6. LOL. More like he would be the First Lady. Everyone in the male-black community knows he is on the *Down-Low* . Its been known for years. Thats why he went and got himself a little beard, a few months before election.

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