Jerry Springer Says Jussie Smollett Should’ve Worked for a Pay Raise | TMZ

Jerry Springer says there's a simple solution Jussie Smollett could've pursued if he wanted a bump in salary from "Empire" brass — get on the grind … and lay off the alleged lies.


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    • He seems to be getting around pretty good for a 75 year old. Most guys his age are long retired, fat and couch potatoes.

    • I’d say he didn’t look OLD until the mid 2000s. All throughout the 90s he was clearly middle aged but “good for his age”. In the 70s he was hella young, in the 80s kind of a mature youthful or youngish middle-age lol

  1. For the 3% of people that read this i hope you all have a great and bright future, am not asking you to do much but i really want to hit 500 sub before months ending 🌹🌺

  2. fruitcake should do lee daniels for a raise instead of trying to cause stupid race war

    Jerry jerry jerry jerry

    • Ann McDonald because he pressed a false civil rights narrative. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but in this cancel culture people act based off emotions and not facts, look the Maga issue in DC when grown men came at children for the Native American drummer. Real victims fall through the cracks over situations like that.

    • +HellGang Brasi When I made this comment I was like, watch this be one of my comments that gets a bunch of likes. I wanted to make the comment cooler and add one more part but couldnt come up with anything.

  3. Lol dude makes over a million dollars a year, this was NEVER about money… This was about going hard at 45 as jussie himself said, and to make white trump supporters look bad… He wanted so bad to solidify his lifelong victim hood mentality for his own selfish agenda, and knew the gullible liberal left trump hating media, and identity politic democrats and politicians would instantly jump behind him believing whatever he evil web he spun

    • He would of been looked at as a hero that fought back. At award shows they would of been giving him standing ovations.

    • Yeah, him being friends with race-baiters running for PRESIDENT is just a coincidence. Jussie was way more ambitious than a few thousand dollars more from his TV show.

  4. I’m sorry Jussie but you have no balls kid. I’m here for my Jerry beads.

    Jerry jerry jerry jerry

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