After a family ski trip in Montana, Kim rushes her sisters to get back home. See the scary moment behind the wheel on "Keeping Up with The Kardashians."
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KUWTK | Kim, Khloé, & Kylie Involved in Car Accident in Montana | E!
the music at the end added more suspense to the last minute 🙌🏼 Khloe working that wheel tho looking like a pro from an action movie
She did that
+Santiago Chacha She was “working the wheel” to try to prevent sliding int other cars. She was doing exactly what she needed to be doing.
Santiago Chacha
And she crashed…
It’s not funny but the faces 😂. I’m so sorry lol
Couldn’t help but laugh lol
I know the accident wasn’t funny but I kept laughing at there facial expressions. I’m so sorry.
Smh same lol
Shady Tyrell I agree totally not funny but there faces lmao 😉
tbh they are lucky khloe was the driver because kylie and kim can’t drive I’m glad they are safe though
Donte Allen told you guys khloe is the MATURE ONE
TheHipIntrovert ! Kim Can Drive And Kylie Look At Life Of Kylie
Viviozza yes it can
TheHipIntrovert ! No , in fact Kim in pro in driving her late dad Robert late her drove her sisters since she was 16 he was depending on her in case her sisters were drinking or something .
TheHipIntrovert ! When the snow came on the Windows.. Kylie automatically held the steering wheel the first time shes a good driver TRUST
I think the good thing about seeing this is seeing that Khloe knew what to do and she stayed calm – none of them were screaming or yelling
and for everyone saying that kim didn’t worry about north is stupid because north was the first thing she grabbed
+Royer Montoya well your not a good parent then. 😕
She was holding on to norths car seat
Royer Montoya, I hope you never become a parent you’re to selfish
I don’t think you realised, as soon as they started drifting she quickly held onto the car seat, not north because she did not have her seatbelt on and she was worried she was going to hurt her self or something…
Kylie’s face tho! MADE MY WHOLE LIFE!
THE MELANIN PRINCESS I’m deaddddd😂😂💀💀💀
On the way down, all Khloe can say is “ITS NOT MY FAULT NOT MY FAULT”
probably because it wasn’t.
+missepicfire it wasnt her fault while khloe was driving there was black ice and when she went trough it her car was slipping and got stuck in an edge
It was black ice, and usually no driver has controll when it is black ice.
Its not her fault its black ice so she is going to slip
“I don’t have my seat belt on” …..who’s fault is that!?
+Miss Florence She did by putting North in her car seat. You guys are so mean lol
Nah but really y’all mean 🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad they’re okay
Ur judgement wont affect Kim so stfu
instead of screaming that you don’t have your seatbelt on, hurry up and put it on.
Trashmarg well she could have when she was honking the horn waiting for everybody. If she actually wore her seatbelt every time she was in a car this wouldn’t have been an issue.
At least, she cared for her daughter.
She was caring for North!!! Obviously she isn’t gonna be like, “oh I’m gonna put my seatbelt on instead of holding my baby.”
She cant, she was holding Norths car seat
She needs to attend to her child and see if he is okay first not put on a seat belt. If you where a mother you would understand
Khloe should seriously be in a action movie.
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+Charisse So Omg! HAHAHAHAHAHA
they just went from kardashians to
Whitney Freese I didn’t even cringe at this 😂😂🤷🏽♂️👍👍
Whitney Freese 😂😂😂
Whitney Freese YASSSS
The power of c
Kim is crying her eyes out and kylie is just there in the back like 😐
julie’s at the front
People react to things differently
Alice Keegan kylie is sitting in the front…..
Alice Keegan 😦
A lot of people are talking about how Kim didn’t immediately reach for North. The fact of the matter is — She was on high alert the whole time, you could see her emotions running through her. You dont have to grab and cover your child when the car is just sliding off of the road into a small ditch. She was watching and waiting for the right time. In a situation like this, you can almost be certain when the car is going to tip over. Especially when the event leading up to it is stretched out. Additionally — At 1:49-51 You can see kim with her hands on Norths’ carseat while she is watching the road. Oh, and at 1:54. AND AT 2:27.
Everyone is always looking to complain about Kim. I see nothing but a caring mom here. She had her hands on the carseat the whole time.
Jennifer Villaman you hating be queit
Wow Ok i
Will say she didn’t even have her seatbelt on. Very dangerous move .
Wow Ok p
do you know what episode this is i think i missed it
I dont get it, where’s the car accident?
It stopped before it happened so you’ll watched the actual episode
🖤 at the end
At the end
At the end of the Video..
🖤 it’s the end pay attention
Am I a bad person for laughing at Kylies facial expression when they were sliding 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lmfao I was laughing to xD
No i was also laughing but worried at the same time
To everyone saying Kim is selfish and didn’t care about North, as soon as it happened Kim grabbed and help Norths hand
Kylie looked like Michael Jackson here omg😂😂😂
naneyx maarie lol yh
naneyx maarie true lol
naneyx maarie oh Jesus Christ I’m gonna have nightmares
Keeping Up With The Carcrashians
Flipper 😂😂
Funny how nobody noticed they copied another comment.
Some one else already said that really
Her first concern was her baby not the seatbelt. That car seat was the first thing she held on to and she didn’t grab for the seatbelt she mentioned it because if anything happened, she’d probably fly out but she grabbed that carseat and held it for her daughters safety .
Kalin Kardashian
You should, your not even a kardashian
Mouse Sunshine
I am, so don’t hate.
Essence Brown she held on to North look again
Still shouldve had her seatbelt on just incase something happened
Obviously you’ve never driven through snow if you’re questioning why they have sunglasses on…
Amerah Keezy it’s to stop that paparazzi from seeing it’s them
KT and Phoebe lmao no
lol there is snow and the sun shines. the white snow would be bright and reflect thats why people use sunglasses. its not always about being rich. and it doesnt habe to be because of the papz. sunglasses protect ur eyes