Suge Knight — ‘Bitch Ass’ Diddy Knows I Didn’t Murder Tupac … ‘Cause Tupac’s Alive! | TMZ

Suge Knight just fired a metaphorical shot at P. Diddy … telling us he's a "bitch ass" who should be getting more heat for the murder of Tupac Shakur.

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Suge Knight — 'Bitch Ass' Diddy Knows I Didn't Murder Tupac … 'Cause Tupac's Alive! | TMZ


    • Watch the documentary “Murder Rap.” It’s the best documentary about the murders of Tupac and Biggie. It explains who murdered those two.

    • Brunette Latina cause it doesn’t matter wha the law says……if they say it now, they’ll find a way to prosecute.

  1. If Tupac is alive, know one thing….he’s not coming back. He doesn’t need to. He already wrote in what he wanted us to hear in his future songs that haven’t been released yet.  He was tired of the game that he was involved in so he faked his death to escape it for good so don’t be surprised if you see him roll in on a KFC drive-thru or walking in plain sight with a hoodie, he’s free.

    • No boy even peep around Christmas they played hail mary b mistake at a cathlic church. lol It just so happen to be in a area which is connected to the Cuba. i think that was not a mistake but a way to say he was in Cuba. I believe he still alive.

  2. lol at the scared white interviewer ” yea, yep, yea, right, yea, yep, i agree, yep suge, yea suge, your right suge, yea, yep, yea, dont kill me suge, yea, yep”

    • he says it bc, and let me tell you a secret, HE WAS IN THE FUCKING CAR WITH PAC, they ”fired” over 20 rounds on the vehicle and Suge, who is a pickup truck looking mofo, wasn’t shot once, you’re telling me that ain’t suspicious? Pac is most likely alive and living with his auntie in Cuba

    • Kristen Naidu nope baby girl Alotta labels exploit artists. Suge gave pac keys to death row. 👌🏽

    • Tupac:
      “I GOT A SCHEME,

  3. if him and Rick Ross got into a fight and they end up falling Down that shockwave would be the end of the world as we know it 😂

  4. Suge basically saying of course he knows who killed Pac, but if he says anything then he’s a dead man

  5. 0:36 He subconsciously nodded his head yes even though he said “absolutely not” when asked about if he know who killed Tupac ,this is how FBI agents can also figure out if someone lies during interrogations -my dad was FBI for 20 years

    • It wasn’t subconscious lol he did on on purpose. I’m not trying to be mean but some people are just terrible when it comes to reading body language and understanding intent.

    • +In_Vas_Por right and I think he WAS nodding yes while saying no to Magnifie that he does know but he’s not a Snitch…I believe that’s the concise message he was subtly insinuating through his body language…He knew the sign he was. Giving off….that was his intention…

    • Tony Smith you are soooo right…u can even google that technique…ur subconscious knows what’s up..u can lie to us but you can’t lie to ya self

  6. Can’t wait for SUGE’s “ Tell All Book “ to come out in jail. Going to be the most sold book ever in the hip hop scene or even in the history of man kind. Lots of truths and no more denying will come out in this book. Probably be released after he dies in jail. All we want to know is how Tupac , Biggie died and how Easy E got aids — “ was it your goons that shot him with the needle like you bragged about on ARSENIAL HALL show back in the day and also we want you to admit to stealing 3 million from Vanilla Ice for a song you didn’t help make. Lots of truths need to come out but maybe never will. If they did that book would sell a couple hundred million or so in profit

    • my man unless ur some sort of superhuman, you would too just as anyone else, that man is dangerous

  7. Puff got Pac killed. Suge killed Eazy and got biggie killed in retaliation to puff’s hit on pac and suge.

    • Tayeb Benammour lmao what’s gangster got to do with aids lmfao. Bro don’t worry you don’t know Suge.

    • Tayeb Benammour bro Suge got biggie killed. Puff got pac killed. Suge was supposed to die as well but he survived. It is out there. Biggies and puffs ex bodyguard said it all.

    • +MayceGamez look at the last documentary of suge you understad because lil cease said the government got biggie killed and he was in the car with biggie

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