Tee Grizzley Says R. Kelly & Jussie Smollett Might be in Trouble in Prison | TMZ

Tee Grizzley's done some hard time, so he speaks from experience when he explains what R. Kelly and Jussie Smollett should expect behind bars … if they end up getting locked up.


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  1. This has been one hell of a Black History month. It would definitely be in the History books.

    • Funny how when white baby rapists get caught it never represents their whole race when they get caught for it waaaay more. Stop adding to the stigmatization of black people, whites have been doing a great job of that propaganda for centuries .

    • +Javi Ruiz Research the Deep Web. They say white people are trading and uploading child sex images by the millions.

  2. R Kelly gonna be in jail getting female correctional officers to take care of him…..😎…the game don’t stop

  3. I don’t think they will be put into general population seeing that they will be targeted.

  4. I swear I travel through LAX once a month and I always miss TMZ when their interviewing someone.

    Always miss the celebrities 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • How?? No way they’d put a sexual predator in GP. R. Kelley is going to a PCU b/c he is a dead man walking if convicted.

    • +Miguel Bermudez
      Let’s be serious tho with how high profile the Jussie Smollett case has been and with him being gay they’ll likely have to put him in PCU as well b/c in not he’ll be eaten alive.

    • +Marky 360 but they will separate the two. I worked at a detainee prison in Gitmo and Kuwait so I speak from experience.

    • +Miguel Bermudez
      Well I wasn’t being serious actually. I’m sure Jussie is going to jail in Chicago but I don’t know where R.Kelly got arrested at so its definitely likely they won’t actually be together I was just messing around but I do expect Jussie not to be in Gen pop.


  6. They celebrities , they in protective custody. If something were to happen to any of them lawsuits and media coverage would flood that jail and court.

  7. If we getting R Kelly and Bill Cosby. We need to get everyone. What about the Catholic priest 🤔 They not locking them up,🤔

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