Brandi Glanville Accused by Actor Kobie Randolph of Halloween Attack | TMZ

Actor Kobie "DJ K-LUV" Randolph says he was attacked at George Clooney's Halloween party, and depending on who you believe … Brandi Glanville either broke it up or attacked him.


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    • +Kings County Baby This has nothing to do with race, he’s just trying to deflect. The truth will come out, it’s suspicious how he describes himself to be so totally innocent, being beaten up by two women in a high end party.

    • +Neenee C My guess is that he won’t be invited again and it will have nothing to do with him “being part of a minority” or anything, it’s because how he has handled this no matter what really happened. .
      Btw – it would be interesting to hear why Brandi Gs friend went all Lindsay Lohan on him in a Clooney private party, I guess this plonker said something really offensive and inappropriate to her😕

  1. What about your friends will they let you down will they stand up around yeah yeah what about your friends I guess this is what we call Black excellence. Where is Sean Puffy Combs when you need him. You actually look like you did pretty good my friend you’ll be okay. One rule that I live by best advice I haven’t gave myself don’t turn in your old friends because you don’t met some new friends.

  2. Sue the hell out of them edomites😈if you can’t get them the most high is going to get them in due time. Keep yo head up SHALOM

  3. She should be arrested. If he wouldve hit her the media would be tearing him down now and he would be arrested. Guess it was cool bc hes black

    • +Jekyll Hyde Lmao only attention seekers capitalize every letter in the beginning of each word and has to have the text in bold. I hope you find the attention you’re looking for.

    • I sure want to know more…. but, if this is another case of some pissed off woman thinking she can hit folks as she damn well pleases, then yeah, she does need to catch a case.

    • darn never fails the negro crying wolf with a card in his hand . attacked cause your a black James Bond LMAO YEA RIGHT FCKN BABY .that black card is to fckn old already .

  4. Effed up beyond words, but I’m not surprised it was Brandi Glanville. The only thing she’s famous for is being dumped

  5. Wheres this attack? He acts like we all have seen it already…. **creepy show guy voice** Tmz investigates

    • Totallysam’s Channel I’m sure she gets drinks and gives everybody a happy ending. How else would the alcoholic get an invite 🤦🏽‍♀️

  6. A busted lip and he says he looks like he went 12 rounds? Never been in
    I real fight in his life.

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