DJ Quik Says Laura Ingraham Will Eat Crow for Mocking Nipsey | TMZ

DJ Quik is proposing an interesting punishment for Fox News' Laura Ingraham after she mocked Nipsey Hussle on-air — and surprisingly, it doesn't include her losing her job.


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    • Because her, and her family worked hard for it. She didn’t sell out her own ppl to get to where she is at like Nipsey did.

    • +Tim thechamp Murphy
      Keep believing that you wannabe victim. That type of thinking is why you ppl keep killing each other. No responsibility for your own bullshit.

    • +Tim thechamp Murphy
      One black gangster rapper dead = maybe a 100 black kids who can see past the bullshit that living that life can cause.

    • When did that become a bad thing? Pretty sure normal little girls grow up wanting to live in the Dreamhouse. Get real, bitches.

    • You love him so much, you didn’t even bother to spell his name right. Fucking, super fan over here…

  1. People are so simple people got to do got to be a part of wats going on even wen they know o about a situation stop hopping on ban wagons be yourself

  2. and yet he has nothing to say about the goon that murdered the family members (grandmother included) smh
    this community is forever doomed

    • That’s alledged, plus he wasn’t asked any questions concerning dude or his family. So why would he speak on that? Makes no sense at all period.

    • +MrScans1 – yeah its always “alleged” when the tables are tilted in your direction….
      heard it all fam

  3. WEST COAST LEGEND!!! One of GRESTEST producers, yet one of the most underrated in the game… “MR. DJ Q-U-I-K WITH NO C STILL YOU CAN’T B ME!!!”

  4. Eating crow is a colloquial idiom, used in some English-speaking countries, that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position. Use your same devices to get informed.

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