Baby Birdie inspires Nikki to want a family of her own–so is fiance John on board? See the moment on "Total Bellas".
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Nikki Bella Freaks John Cena Out With Talk of Babies | Total Bellas | E!
‘Nihao baby’😂
Mera Dap 😂😂
*Baby starts crying*
Um Vivian, your brother’s baby, who is older than Birdie… SHADE
they love her too but they are twins and they spend more time together than with the rest of the family i have that with my nieces too my oldest nephew who i rarely see we dont have a strong bond but with my nieces i see them 4 out of 7 days of the week
Nicole Ibe what is his brother baby’s name tho?
Nurulain Abd Hadi vivienne
I think there really together but fake broke up to get people to watch the show then when the show is finished with it’s season they will get back together. I think there totally faking it!
Hope for her sake she stays away from him and starts living the life she really wants to live. There’s nothing worse than having a boyfriend and never seeing him….and still feeling so lonely. Then when you see him you have to act a role of a person he wants you to be and you aren’t true to who you really are. No man is worth that kind of sacrifice. Thankfully Brie is trying to talk some common sense into her. Even if he says he’ll have kids, it’s only raising them in a John Cena prison.
Danneis Gadsden facts
You can watch clips and see nikkis eyes and see the problems are real , the eyes never Lie and nikkis eyes say alot without her having to say a word .
They were together over the weekend. So uf they did break up maybe they’re workung it out
I’m happy she chose to take time for herself. I know that couldn’t have been easy to break off an engagement. But he can’t just go on The Today Show, have an epiphany, and want babies. Really? After all this time? How can anyone take that seriously? He looked like he was reading from a script. The Miz did the best parody of them lol. John shows no real emotion. Its just cold and scripted. It’s not fair to her. She needs someone who genuinely wants the things she wants in life.
angelina rose you got a lot of he, but I get your point.
He didn’t know what he had until it was gone!
He changed his mind after ge did Blockers,and then as the wedding got closer she her self said she got cold feet. Ppl really beed to stop pytting on tge blame on the man it isn’t always their fault.
honeysmile320 anyone can change there mind on having babies
To be fair , he told her from the begining that he doesnt want kids why that so fking hard to understand? Epiphany? Really? Every person can want different things at certain times , maybe he changes his mind because he loves but at the same time this relationship was all about what Nikki want and her familly and i see everytime theyr fking familly in every episode but John’s familly never. For me they are just leaches and selfish. Read that John wanted a prenunptial agreement also and maybe that is why Nikki called of everything is one thing to not want a kid its another thing if she cant have his money.
Nikki, love. You’re doing to much just leave him and move on sis
dlagarzalberto_ “love” “sis” this comment really disgusted me, idk why
JOHN.T thanks for your concern
dlagarzalberto_ Who are you to tell someone to move on💀
Lol she is a nobody now after leaving right?😂
Birdie is actually afred of John Cena
either its the first time they met or they dont see each other that much babies take time to get to know someone
John: “Ni hao baby” 😂😂 😂He is so robotic
TN S Then Birdie freaks out 😭😂😂🤣😂
F E Right it is cute lol
lmfaooo 😂😂 i cnt believe john did that
I don’t completely disagree.
And the baby starts crying ,I bet he doesn’t even know her name 😂😂😂
Lol his face when nikki looks at him and says” we should make this a nursery”
Cena just sitting there like a freaking robot😂😂😂
So it’s birdies fault lol
liliana rojas-zavala Birdie is a blessing in disguise that’s for sure!! I knew last year Nikki’s connection with this little girl would make her see that she really does want a baby.
Baby alway lighter like god.
i laugh hard when people want to give relationship advice but they cant personally do it in theirs. What you think might be right might not be right for other just let them be if they are meant for each other they will be together again
angelina rose was a ,born, was he a man of means?
Did along come two? did they have nothing but their jeans?
angelina rose agree
angelina rose That’s the harsh truth.
What do you mean let them be. People have a right to their opinion just like you have on other videos. You can’t silence people just because you don’t like what you read. They put their entire (fake) relationship on tv, we can say what we want.
DeniseN u still sound uneducated either way
them immediately looking to john after Nikki said that they should make Birdie a Nursery is kinda funny to me..I’m I the only one?
I think John Cena has a side to him we don’t know about yet which is why Nikki broke off the engagement
rachael lamothe I’m a clean freak. I have to know where everything is. Meep.
We should all be LIVING LIKE LARRY lol that’s the funny thing. I have tried in the past a few times having everything neat as a pin and I couldn’t find a single thing. It took me weeks to mske this game just messy e ought to find everything again. That’s why I need things messy even when I had an office job my desk no one could find anything but me. To the office it was like WTF but for me everytime a client called I knew immediately where there stuff was. It just shows why didn’t things work for different people … but if we had to swap environments we’d both go crazy… I think we just came up for an idea for new reality t. Work Swap – you find 2 people with similar jobs and duties ones a neat person the other is tge king/Queen of clutter they are forced to work in the other persons space for 2 weeks to 30 days and see if they coukd do it without cleaning or messing it up… that show would be kinda fun to watch for at least 1 season
We should all be LIVING LIKE LARRY the only places I do agree that need to be 100% neat is anything involving tool either mechanics or a machine shop… places where messy could lead to an accident
rachael lamothe I’d pay to see that. Tbh, I forget where a few things are time to time, like everyone does. At the end of the day, I just associate my item with their location spot. Closet has clothes, desk has papers and certain books, dresser has pretty much a variety of everything, with house clothes being the most of it. Lel, If that show of yours that you mentioned becomes a real thing, you and I will be headlining it.
We should all be LIVING LIKE LARRY well that makes sense I just know some people are the N-E-A-TEST to the point that make extreme OCD people look like they have no problems what so ever. Also the 75 page cohabitation agreement Nikki signed forever ago, they make look like a sticky note. John would look messy compared to these people. So your neat is actually quite normal. I could deal with that. It would be awesome to host a show like that though. So if #NikkiBella or #BrieBella is reading this help us make this show a reality. It’s meant to be.
GUY !! This is “absolutely” scripted. They’re trying to turn John into a MONSTER. As if all the trouble between him and Nikki was his fault. This is for the audience, it’s about the show … everyone knows that John has a reputation as a good man! So they want to change the personality of such an important person on this reality, not to be routine! Or do you think he would agree to show every week to the world that he is a bad guy, soulless, insensitive ?? .. its just a little personal thinking!
lol actually John had the reputation of a player….
And he is made the all American because he is face of wwe. He probaly don’t think anything wrong with his personality and maybe some people like that but you can clearly tell he got control issues and is cold
They were acting like that because John has always been hella uptight about his house and cleanliness. You should see some of the clips of him on earlier seasons of Total Bellas, especially when the family first moves into the house. He was so ridiculously strict that it’s hilarious.
You don’t need to make a nursery in someone else’s house who doesn’t even have a kid. They really trying to push John for changes and fast. He made his intentions clear from day 1, he shouldn’t be faulted for that.
Son of Everything DC & Marvel he probably does want a family but for him, his work is coming first. He doesn’t like the idea of leaving his kid at home with just a nanny and not being the father he should be. He wants to be there for his kid and raise him but his job requires him to constantly be on the road and he loves his job too.
Samantha Michelle Bridgemohan I’m basing this on the latest interview he did with i believe some American morning show in which he stated that he was hard headed and slowly has become more able to change his old beliefs. He said he hopes that they could get back together and that he’s wanting a family especially now after that haha
yes, the manipulation alone should be enough for him to have gotten rid of her. that is not a healthy relationship
Brett, I totally agree. Its ashame no one has caught on to her manipulative ways but then again most of her fans are kids.
Samantha Michelle Bridgemohan Ikr. If the man doesn’t want kids, leave him be.
“Ni hao baby” 🤣🤣 bruhhhhhh y is he like that??? Just so stiff and robotic..
Lmao. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Taylor Johnson I wonder how Nikki fell in love with him 😂😂. I don’t think I could deal with a man who is like that around babies..
Salsaabby 😂😂
I bet before they go to sleep he makes Nikki dust herself lmfaooooo
Salsaabby right! 🤣🤣
When Brie said John had severe OCD and looked into the camera like that. It had me rolling😂😂😂
John cena face 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nikki is always putting John in these uncomfortable situations
Ni hao baby and birdie start crying😂😂😂😂😂😂😂