Nikki Bella, Brie Bella and other Divas watch the UFC fighter make her 'Rowdy' debut in the ring to take down Stephanie McMahon–and squares off with Triple H. Watch!
About Total Divas:
Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Naomi (Trinity), Natalya (Nattie), Lana and Maryse will join newcomers Carmella, Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss this season. These WWE Superstars will give viewers an exclusive inside glimpse at the demands of their professional careers and the challenges of balancing their personal life in the spotlight as family and romance ramp up.
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Ronda Rousey Makes Her WWE WrestleMania Debut | Total Divas | E!
Why a short skirt tho wtf
she has fine legs, you don’t want to cover them up, especially in a program seen by millions of people
It’s not a skirt, it’s her dad’s quilt, rowdy roddy piper
Rowdy Roddy Piper is not Ronda Rousey’s dad, geek
you got so much of that sentence wrong.
Total Divas/ Total Bellas op
If they put Ronda on total divas it will give the show a lot of more viewers but I think she won’t be a interesting member of the cast
I think Ronda wants to keep her personal life private, however to have her in a few episodes of total divas as a guest star works as well
None of the people on total divas are interesting
BoonSuperCard yeah that’s why they’re on their 8th season with a 3 season spin off
Nothing could make this show interesting
Well they did put Ronda on the show for a couple minutes annnnd it got the lowest viewership so…Doubt she would work for it. Plus the show ran its course by now.
I thought the thumbnail was Nikkie Tutorials which I why I clicked on it 😂😂😂❤️
I love Ronda rousey and natalya and Trish and Nikki belle and brie belle and
I know I am not the only one that noticed the look of envy and jealously of the Bella Twins. 😂 I can’t wait until Ronda breaks Nikki’s arm at Evolution.
Erika Rivera gtfo with your bs
Nikki is one of the most fakest women in WWE with all that “I love you” and “your amazing” bullshit she comes out with
+saumaki BS? Since I am responding to a comment from 3 months ago, what has happened since I posted the comment? 😉
I want see their reaction when Ronda beat triple h
Me 2
Ilove you nikki,brie also my favorite gurl ronda
I’m actually a fan of Ronda but I was never into wwe. But her being there, I’d totally start watching.
lovelymissquinn same!! Just watch her segments on YouTube
Ronda improved more then the bellas in 10 years #DontGiveBotchersAchance look how jealous Nikki looks..
No Brie is jealous basically both, dod you see the botch death drop on Ruby and Sara in their match ? she almost broke her neck i mean girl go back home enough is enough. On Sunday ? Omg i cant wait !!!
Meanwhile Ronda and Nikki had a great match together
This is total divas not total rousey😂🤬
Nikki Bella has this uncanny ability to still sound like a 14yo girl when she speaks even in her mid 30s
Total divas: *Giving you everything you want to know about divas that happened a year ago*
I love this music because making so gut when ronda rousey is in play
Bruh when she fought triple H everybody was in shock because he is the boss.
You can see the wheels turning in the Bellas heads while watching Rhonda. I’ll give them this: they know how to ride other people’s coattails.
OMG I love Ronda Rousy
Nikki outro a lot better than Eva Marie.
And Sasha tried coming at her like she’ll win the royal rumble match 😂
Ronda is a really good fighter