Backpack Kid tells us his mom and manager feel Fortnite is taking advantage of him, and he's letting the grown-ups handle the legal process.
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This kid really makes me want to kill the other half of the universe…
He’s a kid just let him have fun
Just call ya uncal, grape boi
Wow your picture your wylin,😂😂
Oh snap
He’s lying he just wants money. Why didnt he sue fortnite back in season 2 then.
+Bret Maverick more like a troll but you wouldn’t understand 😂
+Jovaan McKinney if you guys think it’s only a 1 dollar/100 vbucks for the dance cause its 1 tier and fortnite didnt peak and got big till season 3 with john wick and season 4 with the rocket launch
So I doubt a million ppl have it
If they do win the mother isnt going to see much the lawyer is taking most of it cause I’m sure it was his idea
+ACPlayer619909 his momy prolly making him say that. N u believe everything this mf say how sad. U must be delusional into believing these rats . his dumb mommy could of sued long time ago but didn’t .
Because he waited til epic games had millions
His mom mate don’t blame on the kid
At this rate people are gonna sue fortnite for trees
Wow I didn’t know I was gonna get this many likes. Thanks I appreciate it!
Fortnut is bad
DEATH RATER2004 I read this with a blank face.
Mekeyas Mekuria I mean, no it isn’t. It was made 8 years ago. Even if it was his, if you can sue for dancing, I can sue for you walking.
Thanks for the idea, let me go contact my lawyer
So true. Btw hey Ohom. We should go to the beach again
Im suing Fortnite because they use grass in game which is the same grass in real life on my backyard.
also they stole a Christmas tree which look really similar to mine so yeah.
thank you for over 1k likes , not the most I got.
Yep Sue em
But did you Create those things
I’m suing fortnite for using golf carts
ItzFoxYYT Gaming 😂😂😂
Fortnite stole a year of my life from me. Im suing.
He got a dashiegames plush in the background😂😂😂
I thought I was the only on that noticed.
DanDaMan1 lol I saw it too 😂
Eoghan Clarke yea I didn’t think of that
Eoghan Clarke Can you copyright a song that’s un-copyrighted, and obviously not yours? I think not.
Batman you can if the real “owner“ doesn’t care and it isn’t the song it’s the dance
+Eoghan Clarke he didn’t trademark the dance.
Shouldnt he be getting sued for claiming someone elses dance🤔
Emanuel Espinoza just because someone did it once doesn’t claim it under copyright
Yea butt there to nice to do that
yeah sure,people said that we can sued anything so its not a big deal right?XD
+Flagrant but hes been doing it alot tho
you cant copyright popculture XD
+Oh Yeah yeah Ryan mayall didnt make the dance he got it off someone and that someone got it off someone else. Learn your facts dude.
+Tony Brazil Ryan mayall didnt make the dance he got it off someone and that someone got it off someone else. Learn your facts dude
dhudson369 lol no I don’t think so if he did wouldn’t he send credit to the guy who did?
+Johnny Hurtado the floss has been around for 8 years!! He didn’t make it!
+sleepy tiger I agree
well someone is in need of money…
ButterPlaysMC sure, but I hope fortnite shuts down because of the lawsuits
ButterPlaysMC shouldn’t u be saying oh yeah yeah lol 😂
ButterPlaysMC yep the mom
+Mr Ego Nope. Epic just responded that no one can own a dance step
Your mom and your manager just killed your reputation for money, so be sure to thank them for manipulating you
he shouldve stayed quiet, then nobody wouldve outted him for stealing the dance.
[MILKMAID] you what I mean
Cuz he sued fornite is how we know he stole the dance?
Like that is how we really know?
HardAnall Jr. word
Did he “steal” the dance, or did the internet say he “stole” it? Maybe he just danced and the internet exploded after fortnite ripped it?
Kelly Pagano He has claimed the dance several times. He used to call himself “inventor of the floss”
He threw his mom under the bus xD very nice virtue signaling there 😉 well played…
NidgeDFX hey nidge! I’m subbed love your reactions
He just being honest bruh lol
The temptations
+andy1416 sup brah
NidgeDFX sup, I’m surprised I found you here, I usually watch your awesome smg4 and sml reactions! You’re so fast to react to them!
I was more interested in the Dashi Plushie.
Hell yeah
Me too. Just came to this video because of it
Lol only the year 2000+ kids thinking he created this dance but this was out in the 60s and would of been created by a caveman to attract his mate.
No one noticed Dashie Plush in the background
I did
Me too
He didn’t even create the floss smh
+foxy the gamer I be flossiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin…
He’s got a fortnite poster in the background 😂😂😂
Finn Vooght-Simpson lol
Welp his account getting banned XD
Sue him for owning it
Imma sue Minecraft because I have a tree and so does Minecraft
Hey fortnite has skins. I have skin
I’m gonna sue fortnite