Kylie Jenner graced the cover of Forbes magazine this week and the headline has grabbed a ton of attention. Described as a "self made billionaire", the TMZ lawyers discuss what it means to be self made.
Is Kylie Jenner a self made billionaire? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!
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She’s not
Self made means she started on her own money. She a reality star made
Anne…. Exactly!
leanne lewis ok. Go and take notes. I want you to be successful like kylie jenner. Do it! Become a billionaire!! Go for it you got this! Just let us know if you can become a billionaire as fast as her…..
Taylor Giavasis who wouldโve thought Kylie would be the richest of the family
Well she claims she started the business from her own $250,000(made from modeling, adds…..) but she was buying luxury bags, clothes, cars and even wanted to buy her own house….. I don’t know, but if you make the math on this than she defo didn’t start it just from her own money. Forbes is taking the piss by putting her on the cover!
If that is so. Than Am a self made alcoholic.
Listen unless u got all that money on ur own and wisely invested it time and time again u not self made Kylie started that make up line with money she got from her family
Archer 96 so why isnt every MILLIONAIRE a billionaire? It’s not easy to do . Fucking haters.
Archer 96 The rich ALWAYS have investors , so she got her family to give her money, same thing . SHE IS SELF MADE!!!
Archer 96 not to mention she was already a walking “brand” because of her sister kim kardashian who built every one of their brands ๐ like legit a kardashian could start selling mops that have Kk painted on it and teenagers would buy it just because their name is already an established brand.
Kylie isnt self made, she has priviledge
She was born rich
Skull K3y why are you going through every comment yourself and reading every response? Lol hypocrite much.
waterside It’s hilarious to me. Seeing someone this passionate about something so unimportant.
Skull K3y same to me , the fact you will go through all the same comments as me , if not MORE but call me out. Lol
waterside The difference is i was looking through your comments because i think it’s hilarious. You’re looking through the comments losing your mind mercilessly defending Kylie Jenner.
waterside her biggest selling point. Is her popularity which she did not earn organically. She was born on reality TV. It was like a gift to her.
Ray J helped everyone get rich
Me next
Tim Drake facts
Tim Drake thank you๐ฏโ๏ธ
It started with Kim’s dad and the OJ trial then her mom married Bruce then the sextape ( Ray J ) sky rocketed thier fame and the rest everyone know
Self made billionare -yes, self made millionare – NO
A billionaire is also a millionaire
flprc ‘ u Kno what I mean
flprc ‘ if you used the millions to get billions than the source is the same. You are not self made.
Oprah is self made . This lil girl came from money
Kylie Jenner was already a celebrity before she started her lip gloss line. She used her social media celebrity status her family connections, her millions to create a business. That’s not self made. Self made is having nothing and creating a business. Yes with investors obviously but in order to be self made.. you need to have nothing and be a nobody and rise to the top. Like Eminem for example.
Kylie Jenner is more of a fraud to be honest. Her cosmetics line is a rip off from Colorpop. She just slapped her name on it and made it into a business!
And also she’s an Opportunist.. by using Kim Kardashian’s likeness to gain popularity, fame, and money. And she did it through all her Plastic Surgeries, Fat Transfers, and Fillers! Without looking like Kim Kardashian.. Kylie Jenner would be the ugly sister rn and not be as popular and thus no Kylie Jenner Cosmetics would’ve been born. Her sister made her famous.. and her sister made her more millions.
Everything about Kylie Jenner is a lie.
Not self made.. not even one bit. Lol. ๐
– SJR – if her sister did all that for Kylie then why couldnโt she make a billion dollar business herself or anybody else in that family?
It’s amazing what satan does for ya!
waterside not the same thing. There’s a difference because one takes work and persuasion. Investors take a cut and get paid back. Kylie reportedly owns 100%. She got paid to do nothing on a show and got popular for existing.
Lucky right on. that is correct.
She was born into money, she had help, she’s not self-made, she was given opportunities through her mother and sisters connections, didn’t have to work to earn seed money, Ask yourself this, if Mark Zukerburg, and Jack Dorsey takes away her Instagram and Twitter, how much will she be worth next month.
True, but to turn millions into a billion is no easy feat. Even Kim doesnโt have a billion.
Taylor Giavasis I agree. Why is it that people with privilige can never just admit it? We seen you on kuwk getting paid to do nothing due to your family. Self made doesn’t necessarily mean you had no investors but you firmed those connections yourself and weren’t handed fame by default at birth. She wants it easy and to say she struggled
None of us would be anything without connections
I agree it’s not fair to call her a TRUE self made millionaire or billionair. She started with millions in seed money and a huge famous family name AND machine behind her. But she does deserve some credit. She could have just shopped all day, and done nothing.
She is definitely not (“SELF-MADE”) . She already had plenty of money and had a platform. She used Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to take it a little further. Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah Winfrey are (“Self-Made”) billionaire’s. Also Kylie would be nothing if it weren’t for her sister Kim’s infamous sex-tap and plus so comes from a family very well known so come on don’t make me laugh. If she was a regular person with no fame or no riches I don’t think she would be where she is now. Privilege spoiled brat. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Self made to us “peasants” is when you made it on your own. She was not only born into money, she was on a reality tv show, that she also got paid for. Nope. That is not self made in the least. Someone who worked, took out loans, went to school, did all they can to find people to talk too about a brand or what they wanted to put out there, maybe a small amount of help, and i mean a small amount of help from their parents is okay, like giving them a rent free home, buying them their first car… etc… but no, she was making money on reality tv as a child, because her sister got famous through a sex tape. She is not self made. She went with the main stream, which is make up. Mark on the other hand had an idea and kept it moving… he is self made.
Self made? HOW SWAY!!!
New Ish The rich ALWAYS have investors , so she got her family to give her money, same thing . SHE IS SELF MADE!!!
New Ish Surgically made maybe, but not self made!
Rich Family Money made
New Ish she’s richer than all of them stop it she self-made there’s plenty of girls that lay down with their back and have sex tapes and don’t have $10, 000
The rich ALWAYS have investors , so she got her family to give her money, same thing . SHE IS SELF MADE!!!
I rolled my eyes so hard when I scrolled past this. She’s in no way, shape or form self made.
Normal people have to go to college and spend years paying off student loans in order to be a successful business person. Kylie hasn’t even gone to college to learn about creating formulas. She just went to a company, picked out her favorite colors, put her face on it, and took the money. I bet she doesn’t even know 3 ingredients in one lipstick.
She was born into Royalty. She gets no respect from me
Kylie Jenner was already rich, a celebrity, and social media famous before she used her status and connections but especially her millions to start her lip kit line. That’s not self made. Self made is coming from nothing, having nothing, and creating a business. Yes with investors obviously but in order to be self made.. you need to have nothing and be a nobody and rise to the top. Like Eminem for example.
Kylie Jenner is more of a fraud to be honest. Her cosmetics line is a rip off from Colorpop. She just slapped her name on it and made it into a business!
And also she’s an Opportunist.. by using Kim Kardashian’s likeness to gain more popularity, more fame, and more money. And she did it all through Plastic Surgeries, Fat Transfers, and Fillers! Without looking like Kim Kardashian.. Kylie Jenner would be the ugly sister right now and not be as popular.. and thus no Kylie Jenner Cosmetics would’ve been born. Kim Kardashian made her famous.. and Kim Kardashian made her more millions!!! All before “her business” was even a thought!
Everything about Kylie Jenner is a lie.
She’s not self made.. not even one bit. Lmfao ๐
She gave her name to an existing californian make-up producer. She provided brand recognition and promotion, critiqued some colour pallets – and the money flooded in. Hardly self made.
I’m a self made homeless man