The "I Am Cait" star opens up about her struggles with ex-wife Kris Jenner. Does Caitlyn know how to improve their relationship? Watch now!
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I Am Cait | Caitlyn Jenner Talks Kris Jenner | E!
They disabled the comments on that last video. We need reinforcements
at your service how should we attack
So flippant, the resentment is so strong you can really see it when they speak.
Kendall looks so much like her dad.
+Perla Lopez i agree
Perla Lopez , yeah DAD
I’m only here for my daily dislike.
Bruce/Cait is selfish
oy59 It happens alot to people who are trying to be something they’re not.
Funny, in the flashback video Caitlyn Jenner is seriously trying to sound like a woman, and now Caitlyn doesn’t even try. LOL
He sounded more womanly when he was a man.
Kris is being honest but Bruce is a devious liar.
The man in the blonde wig has no clue of personal space.
Yuri Boyka it’s not a wig , you idiot !!!
Tobias BlessingW Hiphop 😂😂
LMAO!!! You’re funny!!
Omg I burst out laughing at this
I feel like Caitlyn started worrying more about herself and her happiness then just being the trophy husband to a family who’s always in the spotlight. Say what you want and not Caitlyn she’s just trying to be herself finally and live her life.
For some reason…Caitlyn has no emotions, heart, consideration with a special person that had his kids..that (regardless of Caitlyn’s suffering?) You did turn your family upside down, don’t forget that. But no, you’re too engulfed in your great glorious transition only…think about it. We and them were all supportive, you but you fail to see their part though? I’ll never understand that, Caitlyn…….
Yeah it’s true
She’s SO inconsiderate of anyone else’s feelings. It’s like she feels entitled to be selfish and can’t even see the PAIN she has caused others.
So True Bruce is mentally ill not gender deprived , money hungry not courageous,and hurting ppl with true gender issues! Which to me is the ultimate crime and DISREGAURD to l g b t community. Too much doesn’t add up too many lies too much blame on everyone but ur self ! When u have actually been living in a free country for ur whole adult life so only u are responsible for the non phone calls & non involvement in ur own children’s lives! Takes less than thirty minutes to call n say hey how are u , what’s up ….. but u couldn’t bc ? U were grounded from th phone ? U couldn’t leave th house to use a phone u didn’t have $ to make the call? Hummmmmmm were u imprisoned? No to all that huh so basically it’s ur own fault right ! Oh wait ur little children should have been responsible for ur actions yeah that’s it . Sooo not Bruce’s fault he’s a puppet with no brain ,which leads me back to mentally disturbed man is Bruce! Narcissist ! The mentally ill kind that hurt ppl ,many ppl but not responsible for his actions . I’ll not call u Caitlyn nor recognise Caitlyn as a woman, u are a man with man actions man mentality and man thoughts as’well as still attracted to only women ! FAKE A.B.
If I was Kris I would slap her so hard her momma would feel it.
the most unaware person and clueless to peoples emotions not cool
He appears to be styling him self like Kris . I think kris misses the man and dad to the kids she has . In a way she is morning
Why are they filming like a ‘selfie’ with two cameraguys in the room, filming them – filming themself :’)
He is a woman now. But he still likes women. So whats the point
Ugh omg all i hear is selfish selfish selfish
Good lord this guy is nasty
Honestly is Cait delusional?
Nobodys going anywhere, you didn’t leave them in the dust?
You literally divorced Kris, moved away from all your children, secretly transitioned without telling them, then expect everyone to pander to you and for all of them to be the ones to keep in touch ?
spero sia felice!!! una scelta molto combattuta credo!!!!❤