Jenelle Evans’ Husband David Eason Screams ‘You Could Die Right Now’ | TMZ NEWSROOM TODAY

Jenelle Evans has lost custody of her kids, largely because her husband, David Eason, has created an abusive environment at home … and this video seems to be evidence of that. Also, Meek Mill's claim the Cosmopolitan Hotel keeps a blacklist of black rappers is BS … according to sources connected to the hotel. (edited)


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  1. Yeah – definitely not helpin her case. Im worried bout barbara or whoever has the kids. David is psycho.

  2. Yeah – definitely not helpin her case. Im worried bout barbara or whoever has the kids. David is psycho.

  3. I think David is actively trying to get these kids taken away…he cant really stand any of them. He gets Janelle all to himself. True psychopath

  4. He’s such a creep and a pervert. He should be shot to death as a result of the poor and defenceless animal that he decided to kill.

  5. I wanta see what her excuse or lie she will come up with to cover her for David

  6. there is something wrong with that man and her for allowing it and staying there.

  7. And they wonder why they just lost custody of the kids. 🙄 They’re better off without those 2.

  8. It does’t matter that Jenelle lost her kids she will just make more with another group of guys lol

  9. That dude has serious problems🖕… so does she if she’s still with him

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