The famous BFFs disagree over how much time Jordyn spends going to Kylie's events. See Jordyn get honest about her feelings on "Life of Kylie".
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“Life of Kylie” will follow Jenner as she navigates her unique life as an entrepreneur, fashion designer, author, television star, style icon and CEO/Founder of Kylie Cosmetics. After spending over half her life on TV on E!’s hit series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” and with over a hundred million followers across Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, people feel they already know Kylie, but this series will allow her fans and the public to see behind the scenes of her ever-expanding world.
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Jordyn Woods Feels Like Kylie Jenner's Tag Along | Life of Kylie | E!
Isn’t she though ? I actually like Jordyn though she’s cool people and gorgeous af imo
Jasmine Goins I need to find some better friends too 😔
Just JuJu it’s ok, finding a friends is tough. I think I’m in the same place too. Having female Friends is also tough. But you have to understand that it takes time for friendships to grow. You’ll find one eventually but sure you guys have a good communication.
+Jasmine Goins but she’s the one who cheated on them?….
Clarisse little did u know 😭
yasmen 24 sure. Like they haven’t cheated other people.
I feel like this tv series has been more about jordyn than Kylie
SG92 bc kylie is too boring to have the show be about her
Tiara McKay same
Well everyones always seeing Kylie on snapchat, insta, etc. so to see jordyn its new?
because shes more interesting
I enjoy jordyn but I feel like she can’t express herself without Kylie assuming she’s attacking her
she is a tagalong# like tell your frend to work or clean the pool. something…. spoiled Jordyn
+Sindy Gonzalez What are you talking about?? Hush.
Hmm Mmm that’s what happen when you talk to a leo(Kylie) they always think you’re trying to attack them
+takecare @0:52 the claws come out lol… never criticize Jordy…pet the kitty…as she did in the end with a compliment and then everything was okay again. Remember…pet the kitty…
+Sindy Gonzalez she works, she models and has her own business lol.
Jordyn is better than her, she deserves better. Do your own thing girl, kylie is way to self absorbed
Tima exactly, Kylie realizes that Jordyn is stronger and that’s why she’s trying to block her by taking all of her time
Jordyn is just a slave of Queen Kylie
Richa Sharma shut up racist
It’s funny because Malika has had this same convo with Khloe 😏
TI 😒 Larsa (wanna be Kardashian Pippen) is really kim’s tag along 💁
Jenn Mcfly vv
Trending Live Scott I hers lol
Oo_M_oO not really. Jonathan has a pretty huge presence apart from Kim and he’s not around as often as Jordyn. I legitimately feel like Jordyn feels like an “extra” in the movie called Life of Kylie
jordan looks annoyed with Kylie as a friend 👭
It’s looks like stassi is not friends with Kylie and Justine too
+N N you called it 💯
N N you literally predicted the future
+N N you’re sooooooooo right woah
I feel bad for her like yes you want to go & hang out with your friend but your friend is working & getting paid & your just tagging along
She lives with Kylie so…
Thank you
Kylie looks great in photos, but omg her face looks awful when it moves
MissBelle127 Or wax
a pan photoshop that’s why
*when it tries to move
it looks stuck
Everything is Kylie Kylie Kylie. Jordan is like what about what I wanna do?
MAPOTI ! everything is about Kylie on a show called like of KYLIE…….well duh wtf
I didn’t watch but heard the show flopped. If its true, they should cancel n create a spin-off for Jordyn.
Jordyn’s spin off would flop even more. If a lot of people aren’t interested in Kylie’s show, no WAY they’re gonna be interested in Jordyn’s
Hadeebah Sanusi if it aint kim it aint a hit honey. havent u noticed loool who wants to watch 20minute shows boring n she kicks the filmers out for anything juicy what was the point kylie.
twenty one co-pilots now they would… lmao
Watching this I think Kylie gets more support from Jordyn than her own family. And she’s scared for her support system to leave, and venture out. Kinda sad
Leah Steel same. Just by watching interviews with Kylie and her sisters together, she seems uncomfortable & nervous, when Kylie & Jordyn do interviews together, she seems more comfortable & happy.
She’s also giving off the vibe of being embarrassed, like that jordyn brought it up while filming
Rhythm Is A Dancer that’s not true 😂🚮 Kim’s been all over Kylie since forever she used to follow her Tumblr and try to find ways to be as cool as her 😂💀 Kylie’s lip kits were just her first buiness .
Yes that’s exactly what I think.
Somebody said that
Jordan gave Kylie 0 eye contact
Leanna 4 ok that’s just dumb af OBVIOUSLY another form to make black people hate white people in other words another form to separate race.
same when i’m annoyed with someone i physically find it hard to make eye contact with me or else i’ll either laugh or get too upset
Lynn Ly ikr lmao
I really think Kylie likes jordyn as more than a friend
K E same
Kylie reminds me of this girl I called my best friend for about 11 years until I realized how much of a needy narcissist she was. She would also get this annoyingly defensive after trying to have an adult conversation with her.
Just my opinion but i feel like Jordyn is that too good of a friend you get in your lifetime, you know that one friend whos too kind and just goes along with everything and gets taken advantage of. Kylie depends on Jordyn way too much and jordyn probably feels obligated to be there for Kylie since shes literally kylie’s only true friend; there’s a reason Kylie doesn’t hang out with some of her old friends anymore and even Kris has mentioned these two have some co dependent relationship going on and that can be very toxic cause kylie’s literally gonna “drain” Jordyn out at the end. Thats why in this clip it seemed like jordyn was gonna stand up for herself or be direct with Kylie about not wanting to be her sidekick but Kylie got butthurt and jordyn being too nice of a friend feels guilty for no reason and just lets it happens cause when your “that” friend you can’t hurt, be selfish or think about yourself without looking bad or selfish to the ones using you.
Abei Kortez well um right now kylie and khloe are mad st her
Abei Kortez Still feel the same way? 💀💀💀
Aly M lmao I think we are both talking about the same thing 😂
Megan Whitten lol 🤚
People like Kylie revolve around jordyn cause when you are a celebrity people are fake soon as you get that one true friend you don’t want to let her go….. Kylie is more attached believe me
Poor jordyn she was being really cautious with her words so she doesn’t offend Kylie. She couldn’t even properly get her thoughts out without Kylie interrupting 🙁
Of course she is being cautious…. kylie is her gravy train and she dont wanna loose her free ride!!
i’m here after hearing about the cheating scandal
This is the other side people don’t see after the recent scandal. Jordyn was always Kylie’s therapist, always listened to her and her problems, always made sure to give her the spotlight, and she was fine with that. She was fine with being the shadow of Kylie. But you can’t expect her to not have a life. Kylie took Tyga from a pregnant woman, so did Khloe. What Jordyn did was nothing what they hadn’t done to others. Besides, she’s 21, easily manipulated and hell, you make mistakes at that age! Just because she was granted all these special gifts and stuff from Kylie doesn’t mean she has to be her brainless slave with no own will at all! True friendship is having an EQUAL relationship, just because she receives gifts doesn’t mean she can’t ever make a mistake like Kylie did. It must’ve been so tiring for her to live that way. Maybe she’s better off now, she can start her own life.
Wow this was the most on point comment !
I agree! Im not saying what she did was right, but seeing how Kylie treated her like her personal on call therapist, I’m thinking maybe its for the best, now she can have her own life
BuzziMuzzi blac chyna wasn’t pregnant. She already had her child 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️ but I see your point. Jordyn is wrong in every single way. But as for the Kardashian’s and Jenner’s they can’t really judge her. Especially Kylie, Khloe and Kim. Kim was sleeping with Kanye while he was still with amber rose. If they can’t keep the girl code. Why should she? This may be a blessing in disguise for Jordyn. Honestly I hope she’s able to build her own platform and flourish as well. It sucks this situation happened but life goes on.
Jordyn: ‘I feel pressured’
Kylie: ‘I strive to be great’
Lmao why does this pop up in my recommended after the whole scandal. YouTube you shady sksksksk
Isabel Wright Was forealll same