The E! star hits back at criticism over Kanye West's music video for "Famous." Watch Kim get real with Kourtney on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians".
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KUWTK | Kim Kardashian Has "Had It" With Kanye Haters | E!
She’s talking about Taylor Swift and when she said playing victim is so true
+saeefa Your comment (s) are irrelevant. Blacks don’t hate Taylor because of the fact that she gets “more attention”. I’m black myself and I don’t hate Taylor. There’s white people out there who dislike Taylor, Beyonce & “trashy” Nicky.
What people haven’t realized is,Taylor Swift is the most evil artist. She always plays as the good girl and Americas sweet heart SHE IS NOT THAT.
LMAO @ all you mainstream follower sheeps.
I like Taylor Swift
but its true though. She (Taylor) does like to play the victim.
Keeping up with keemstar #VICTIMCARDALERT
Taylor didn’t lie!!!!!!
But katy, kanye, and kim are all dicks
Taylor stays playing the victim. She’s also one of the biggest hoe’s and gets away with it.
I’m not saying that she doesn’t plays the victim but she definitely doesn’t get away with having a lot of boyfriends. She always get criticized by that. You know who gets away with dating a lot of people? Leonardo DiCaprio, although lately he’s becoming a joke but he had to reach 40 and Taylor is still in her 20’s.
Omg! I’m just so curious. Where you from? Or, where are your parents from?
Society made those rules for women. Ladies KEEP HOEING AIN’T NOTHING WRONG WITH IT :)))
We ha a sexual revolution decades ago. As long as she is on b control like white women all over the world.
I’m pretty sure Kourt just replaced herself with an incredibly realistic looking robot.
I love how disinterested she sounds 😂
She’s just like I don’t want to talk about this so I’m just going to say yeah until it is over.
James Fluker that’s her Go To Thing to just say “Yea” She’s always Disinterested it’s hilarious
01:18 LMAO
Kourtney is me pretending to listen to people’s problems.
Kayne loves Kayne
Kinda like The Donald : D !
Kanye not Kayne
Who tf is Kayne? Get it right jeez
Alyssa Schultz Kanye doesn’t love himself. He’s so insecure.
Uh oh, she’s had it, now what?
+liddo Fishyy dealing with stupid people? How is she gonna deal with herself and all of her family? Lmao
She’s going to post nudes again saying #stophatingkanye
This is the best comment of all time
Actually Kim, you are the one people really hate, not Kanye.
I like them all
Pete Ivey yet here u r one her nuts watching her show
man i dont like kim but she said the truth taylor needs to stop playing the victim and start owning up to her little snake ways. and the fact that there’s all this evidence against her and that her fans will look the other way amazes me.
i agree %100
Lmao this is just an excuse for people to hate on taylor, get off her nuts kimye and there won’t be an issue , Kimyes a nasty sleeze bag that isn’t even worthy of speaking to taylor
she’s a snake selling millions and doing an amazing tour. such a snake!!!!!
“He’s always so honest and speaks his mind” Yeah that’s the problem.
Not a fan of Kim or Kanye but this is 100% the truth about Taylor. She’s one manipulative little girl and finally people are beginning to see through the facade.
Look what you made me do!
I don’t like Kanye or Taylor swift but Kanye was rude af ! Good for him for speaking his mind, but that was not the time or day! It’s called respect and he might have apologized but that doesn’t change what happened, she was still humiliated in front of millions of people! But she won fair and square, her fan voted for her and that’s how she won!
And that’s why Taylor Swift is famous, bc of the Grammy showdown
no, she is famous because of her own hard work
Kim Kardashian said “like” 13 times
ummm because they can?
+Joji Cakau They need to speak proper English instead of using “like” between every single word. Wait, Kim probably can’t because of the number of dicks she had in her mouth.
+John Miller LMAO so true.
I counted 14
NEW DRINKING GAME!!: Take a shot every time Kim says “Like”
Celestia Martinez I be drunk
It’s a california thing… I never realized I ever did it either until it was pointed out to me! 😂
thats one way of getting alcohol poisoning😂😂😂😂
We would be such good friends
Am i the only one dying at how much kourtney doesnt care 😂 shes not even looking at kim loll
deeelalah07 that’s just her personality she’s boring asf
Boy was she right on that one Taylor Swift always tries to play the victim but It can get so old so quickly I stopped being a fan because of it and only listen to her old music now
Christina Jimenez me too
I’m kourtney at 1:02 hahahaha
She’s totally spacing out lol
she’s right. Single ladies was the biggest hit of the year.
Kenny Ho yeah i agree ; beyonce is amazing but he didn’t have to be rude
then why didn’t it win?huh
Melissa Michel it won’t Video of the Year but not best Female Video, which Taylor won. Beyoncé should’ve won both
MrFirefire1 she still one video of the year and that is THE award at the vmas the only award greater at the vmas is the Michael Jackson video vanguard award which Beyoncè got in 2014.
Jesus Kourt, say a sentence, look interested.😂
idc how ppl feel about kim. i give kim props for sticking by her man
I thinks she’s a good person but has to media attention. Great mother and wife too.
she’s not loyal, she just likes causing drama.