The "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star isn't feeling confident doing her first photo shoot since having daughter Stormi. Watch her sisters rally behind her.
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KUWTK | Kylie Jenner Feels Insecure About Her Post-Baby Body | E!
this celebrities just over do things most of the time I don’t see any baby fat on kylie’s body
goshh get over yourselves
+Julie alex that’s because they supported her
The problem with the youth these days, no matter how extremely beautiful they are they need someone to stick their heads up these lots bums for confirmation and approval.
This is coming from a mother of two with c section scars and she’s there complaining about hips looking wider?? WTH that’s what babies do sweet pea
This birkin is worth my student loan!
R akaza At least you’re at university and are aiming to get a degree. Sometimes, it’s good to have real things that actually make a difference in your lives as opposed to buying designer bags or expensive clothes.
+Ash R The vast majority of people who have degrees never use them. Just look at Jenna Marbles for example. People get degrees to get jobs and earn money, if they could go straight to just earning money everyone would. I’d rather be a billionare with no degree than a person with a degree who’s broke, in debt for thousands of dollars, and probably wont even get a job anyway.
the pink gucci bag was like 4.000$
Solvetis I disagree with you. The majority of the middle class who get degrees obviously get jobs. Those who get degrees and don’t use their degrees, I.e. by getting the jobs that relate to their degrees, are those are rich and just want to perhaps get a degree in order to learn more. We all know that getting a degree gives you a better opportunity in terms of getting a good pay job as opposed to not having a degree, e.g. to be a lawyer, you have to have a degree.
She didn’t complain when she was riding that….huh
Lorena Pineda-Cabral like your mom did ?
this doesn’t make sense
I’m glad I don’t support this garbage
ROBIN COOK yeah, still watching it though
I never waste my time watching how they set up or plot all their stupid stories and dramas. Borinh. I have a life to live. No way i want to follow a duck family 😜😜😜😜
My thoughts always
ROBIN COOK your moms garbage
+Consuelo J. it’s just she’s looks Far more natural.. so I doubt it..
+Reece Kylie had lip injections (which explains why her face changed so much, if you’re not sure how much some people change from those google it) and added more butt. Kendall had a nose job, eyebrow lift, lip injections, chin pronunciation and according to hollywood stars (don’t trust them tho) she also had some of her ribs removed.
+Consuelo J. Kylie has definitely had more than just her lips 🤦🏾♀️ in fact, it sounds like you’re mixing the two sisters up with that list.. and you’re really freaking stupid to believe a source that claims anyone has had ribs removed 😂
+Reece First of all I did say she got more than her lips done (learn how to read moron) and second thing I did expressed how I didn’t believe that particular source that claimed that Kendall had some ribs removed and just for you to know that is an actual esthetic surgery and it’s pretty common, go learn some things before you call someone stupid (which you totally are btw)
+Consuelo J. you’re an idiot
She looks better after stormi 🔥
Monique I agree!! Just overall. Seems more confident and sure of herself. Motherhood really suits her ♡
I agree
+Allie yea agreed
Motherhood is BEAUTIFUL
Sooooo…just get more surgery ?
T H I C C The issue is that girls and women all over the world watch them and they lie about it! Maybe thats a life lesson idk, I think its wrong and pathetic that theyre not owning up to it after all this
Or … the gym
I’m dead 😂
Shannan Maria lol right
I wish my only concern was my looks.
Ki Ki omg u fake af you were hating don’t front about it 😂😂👌 you just “mad mad” cuz I’m making actual sense when you just want to hate lmfao fake fr
QueenB you are seriously watching a one minute clip 😂 how can you say it’s the only thing she’s complaining about in her life 😂
assuming that that is their only concern, not their CHILDREN or literally anything else also. Famous people aren’t aliens
Ash R you seem to forget that their physical appearance is literally how they make their money. of course they feel the need to look perfect 24/7.
Its ok Kylie just Photoshop it just like you do all your pictures !
G Lynn I don’t understand why people hate the thought of editing photos though
You sound bitter asf lol
G Lynn you just mad cause she look better than you
Yas 😂😂😂😂
Kendall’s attitude is like, whatever!
She’s the only one with any sense
Barley B lmao fr
I just found out that her and Travis hooked up before Kylie was dating him🤷🏻♀️ maybe she mad idk….
Why show the belly if it is makin you feel insecure.
cloudy day she didn’t in the photoshoot
cloudy day they are told to wear certain things since it’s a Calvin Klein photoshoot
Phanic! at the twenty øne crybabies of summer, then she was prefering money and fame rather than her emotional health.
Why is it that the Kardashians, including Kylie, Kendall and Kris Jenner, have to speak so slowly and drag their words? Speak normally! They sound so dumb and boring!
Hallelujah ! It’s not just me! Must take them 3 days to have a conversation
Ash R it’s a west coast thing to talk slower
It’s the California valley girl accent
Watch the Diane Sawyer interview that was done when Bruce started transitioning. It is EXCRUCIATING to listen to Kendall
Because they are dumb and boring. They’re vapid women oh and men can’t forget to mention both genders.
She feels insecure about everything. Same goes for her family
Carlos Gonzalez and this is a problem because?
Carlos Gonzalez it proves pretty girls have insecurities
+AixaMusic no it proves once insecure people get money. They will change their faces, boobs, nose etc
4 OR EVER D 3 A D u sound so stupid.
honestly, it is exhausting seeing Kylie bullshitting about her body bouncing back to what it is now without any help. Sis please… her lies are always outrageous. Her whole body is plastic for god sakes.
Michelle Loveee yes yes yes 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Every woman’s body is different I had my first born at 18 I was about 150 swollen from head to toe (preeclampsia) and within 3 months I was back at 105, didnt look like I had a baby at all. For all you know she could have been breastfeeding directly or pumping either way or didn’t some women just have those good genes going through birth and pregnancy has a huge traumatic effect on a woman’s body, mind, EVERYTHING. It took me years and pictures from then to realize that for having a baby that was 3 months old I looked good as hell. So yes every woman can feel insecure about their post baby body. So hush up
Kendall got straight up and walked right out!💀
+DisneyStarsTube it was all over the internet back when him and Kylie got together. I’ll see if I can find any links.
+DisneyStarsTube a lot of videos have been taken down off youtube but I found this article. Of course it’s all ALLEGEDLY so there’s no telling what the truth is. https://www-thehollywoodgossip-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2017/06/travis-scott-ive-banged-kylie-and-kendall-heres-whos-better-in-b/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ%3D%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thehollywoodgossip.com%2F2017%2F06%2Ftravis-scott-ive-banged-kylie-and-kendall-heres-whos-better-in-b%2F
Jay Sanchez she gave Kylie a jealous look a few times in some episodes. I bet she wants to be pregnant too .
Spa in probably more grossed out that Kylie took sloppy seconds 🤢🤮
Jay Sanchez she couldn’t relate to the conversation what input could she actually give 🤷🏽♀️
Why are people so nasty to Kylie? Just because of surgeries? Everyone knows what it feels like to feel insecure… so much jealousy in the comments it makes me sick
It’s not jealousy, we’re all just in AWE of how someone can be so famous for being good at literally nothing.
Totally agree 👍
+heaven its nobody’s business but her own.
Amanda Marrone why would anyone be jealous of a person who had surgeries to enhance their bodies? If she did not have any surgery not one than it would be understandable of others being jealous of her. You cannot be jealous of someone else’s fake body.
No JEALOUSY just facts.
I love how Kendall just gets up and walks away without saying anything lmao
Cause the attention is alwayssss on kylie, throughout the whole 9months it was on kylie…okay we get it🙄
Cuz she cannot relate
Mishhy .x yea that was a pregnant women discussion
Raquel R lmao when you’re skinny your whole life and after you have a kid and your whole body shape changes dramatically, you’re gonna care about your body shape 🤷🏽♀️ I don’t even like Kylie but I’m speaking from experience.
Cause she knows how annoying her whole family is lmao
She’s just fishing for complements. I don’t think she’d be dressed in a sports bra & short shorts if she felt that insecure.
Lol she was wearing that for the photo shoot
Not exactly
They’re her family why not
If she is fishing for compliments then she is insecure because people who are confident dont have the need to fish for compliments. So, I dont think that she is fishing for compliments, she does show some fat and bumps on her stomach so I am sure she is not fishing for compliments when she has to compete with super skinny supermodels. I think that perhaps her family members are pushing her to take photos before she is ready and that is not right.
I just think it’s funny how different Kylie looks when she’s not taking selfies from a specific angle. Still a pretty girl but….not as attractive as she portrays herself
I love the Kardashian’s but I noticed how they pay more attention to Kylie than Kendall. The funny thing is Kendall doesn’t seem to care 😂