Kevin Hart — Hey Biebs … Here’s How You Take Down a Big Dude | TMZ

Kevin Hart has some sound and effective advice for Justin Bieber and all other vertically-challenged males who find themselves on the receiving end of a punch.

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Kevin Hart — Hey Biebs … Here's How You Take Down a Big Dude | TMZ


    • +Stemsy who says that over social media though?? Like man to man.. I get that the guys a good dude but c’mon now.. Adding a explanation mark after what he said is a little too much ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘Œ

    • +Jonathan _
      …..I literally have no clue what you are talking about. I never said anything gay, Let alone in my fucking life kid.

    • I don’t think the big guy even threw a punch at Bieber. Which is a good thing because the beiber would of literally got his face punch in like in the movie Kung Fu Hustle

    • Hey bro, I’ve just read an article on the dailymail website that says the black dude wanted an autograph for his two daughters and Justin started it by calling the black wife a “motherfucker”.

  1. Hahahah!!! He said go for a calf or achilles tendon lol You are the real MVP Kevin

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