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KUWTK | Modeling Mayhem | E!
i wish my sister was more like kim in the dedication way
Kendall is so GORGEOUS…..SO is Kim
and now look at her, she’s modeled for marc jacobs and chanel. she should’ve taken up the offer for doing runway right then and there, thousands of girls would’ve died to even go to new york and do a shoot for Sherri Hill, let alone just get a shoot. thank god kim said something or she probably wouldn’t be where she is now.
+Tiffany Blair She wasn’t even nervous she had no desire to do runway at the time and told Kim to back off lol
+katie hermanns Lmao Kendall didn’t end up walking the show, she told Kim to back off and to stop doing this for herself. Secondly walking for Sherri Hill wasn’t what led her to Marc Jacobs and Chanel. That would be the work of Kendall’s agency The Society, LOVE Magazine director Katie Grand who casted her for her first real shows, and photographer Russell James who helped guide her in changing agencies from Wilhemina who booked her these silly commercial jobs to The Society NYC. Kim isn’t responsible for anything.
Katie H but that’s something she didn’t want to do. She wanted to be normal, she wasn’t ready.
Katie H I would have humbly disagree because Kendall said it herself that she wasn’t ready back then she wanted to be a normal teenager the ONLY reason Kim said something back then in my opinion is because she didn’t get to do what Kendall is doing now
If Kendall didn’t have it this easy NO WAY would she be a model, these woman have NEVER known what it’s like to work, sweat, to make a proper living
IfYouDontThinkMyDogIsCuteWeHaveAnIssue XD, that’s the only time lol
Far Enough true
Far Enough get a job pleb
now Kylie is a self made billionaire despite all the connections Kim has from her own hard work and good work ethics
just me lol no Kylie is not a self made billionaire
She some what looks like Lana Del Ray-ish
You can actually see how much they wanted to be normal teenagers (plural because also Kylie…before) but fame and their sisters were too intimidating
I’m pretty sure it was scripted for her to act like that for drama for the show.
+Eunice Danney everyone should sign up/apply to be an extra for a reality tv show; then they’d see just how so not reality it is.
Anne Tolentino I
Anne Tolentino gfbgfggfgtjfugfvufyh
She is actually really bad at modeling here if it wasn’t for her family she would never have made it as a model
Tbh I feel like her walk still isn’t comparable to other pros. She’s beautiful but to me there’s something lacking
JuliaTheCoolia she actually in pruved
yeah she was but like any job you learn and you get better
You are just jealous.
you polietly tell kim that you don,t want to do runway and kim will inderstand
Now she’s walked as a vs angel
She walked as a VS Model. She is not and never will be a VS Angel.
VS is nothing she walks for Mark Jacob’s and Fendi
+Amy Marie honey all she has to do is give them a call and she’ll be a VS angle for how ever long she wants😂😂😂
Kendall look like she on a covergirl😆😆😆😗😗💅💜💜💛👄👄💋👀💕💄💄
Kendall tries to be a normal teenager she said it herself runway wasn’t something she wanted to just jump into so fast. Kim needs to realize that Kendall is growing up but she’s also grown to make her own decisions, Kim can’t keep jumping in whenever she wants to especially when a opportunity like runway pops up.
+Adoremary i agree with ur point but thank god she listened to kim and got more exposure on the runway..her new home 🙂
Adoremary Kendall said it herself that she felt that she wasn’t ready to do runway which I thought was good because at the time she knew if she was ready or not which was pretty admirable
Kendall at 15 vs me at 15
kim always helped kendall , she always wanted that kendal will become a model but kendall never wanted to commit . Now when she walked on the Victorias secret show Kendall said that this was her dream that her whole life had waited for this moment, I do not understand
Sometimes Kim can know what’s best for Kendall and when she does it was/will be the greatest thing for her
I wish I can be as pretty as Kendall
Judith Argueta trust me, you would if you had as much things done to you as she does. She wears so much makeup and probably gets a lot of plastic surgery.
Jenna The Cookie if you wanted to make Judith Argueta fell better you could of just told her how beautiful she is instead of bashing someone else
+Jenna Grande that’s Kylie not Kendall
Melanie Maldonado oh I thought she was talking about Kylie lol whoops. I don’t even remember writing that comment.
Kimberly Shanel I don’t even remember writing that and I prob thought she was talking about Kylie. I was just saying not to compare yourself to celebrities since most get a lot of things done, not to mention I wasn’t bashing anyone. Getting cosmetic surgery isn’t a bad thing.
Honestly Kendall can’t say that her family’s name didn’t do anything for her cause think about it , it wouldn’t have been that easy to be a model and walk the Victoria Secret Fashion Show without an audition
I love to see kim in action with her sisters supporting them and coaching them
Everyone is ragging Kim, but one of the biggest life lessons one can learn is to jump at opportunity when it comes your way. It might be uncomfortable, but it won’t kill you.
I love how she always says she built herself up in the modeling world all by herself by distancing herself away from her family and here she is in the beginning of everything with Kim pushing her along. Girl you are beautiful and you deserve to be modeling, but you got there with the help of your family. Don’t deny it.
The hard working models still don’t get recognition. Unfortunately, Kendall has it made!