This isn't looking good.
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You know you are on time when tge video still says ‘no views’
@Tammy loveIsHot:
And that was two hours ago; this video is now up to a few thousand views!
Bad news travels fast, so they say…
It’s O.K TMZ we know the shows coming out you don’t have to keep reporting them.
Fact. They aren’t getting enough traffic. “Shrugges”
Not 1st but 7th…I won with the lucky number 7 🤗😁
Imagine the Kardashian’s are doing all of this to boost ratings… GAME CHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude I hate all of them
Of course
What if they were doing that thing they always do?? Yooo, that’d be craaazyyyyy
They are bro, it’s all fake drama to boost the ratings. Kris Jenner must of thought of this.
No just the obvious
*Travis had a breakout year last year, now if he stop dating her watch how much negativity comes to his name. These women(Kardashians & Jenners) can control the narrative behind what gets ran in the press.*
+Pats Ballin Out This Year of course, look at this new khloe situation. That jordyn chick allegedly messed with Tristan and the media hates her for it….but khloe was messing with tristan when his other bm was pregnant. She was also friends with Trina and fucked french and james harden who Trina was with. The media only slanders those who hurt the Kardashians never the kardashians themselves
Pats Ballin Out This Year I never said otherwise. Has nothing to do with The Kardashians.
+Pats Ballin Out This Year he went mainstream in 2015 with antidote, and he doesnt need kylie sheep fans that only know sicko mode to succed. he has a core fanbase that loves him, even if the whole kardashian family starts trashing him he’ll still sell a lot. hes talented, his music is catchy and mainstream sounding but its not bad music. he doesnt compromise his talent for hits and thats why hes not falling off any time soon.
+GXD Name a year that Travis had bigger than 2018? You not understanding what “BREAKOUT YEAR” means. Although I didn’t like Astroworld it took him to another level.
+Pats Ballin Out This Year oh yeah, guess i misunderstood what you said. my bad.
Doesn’t she follows him around how the hell he cheat LOL
she just want a excuse for breakup so she can move onto the next target ….
+J. Kylie don’t neeeed an excuse because she KNOWS Travis don’t want her, why u think Jordyn is there?
+M O true
Lol nah I think some shows she goes to and others she doesnt attend.
He cheats when he takes a bathroom break. Women are crazy lol
Rappers, athletes, stars are around millions of woman. It’s bound to happen sooner or later !
amare Logan ???
+Isla Braden Well they not faithful this is why we all here commenting 😂
Cal Tube yeah they’re not. but they should be
Cal Tube and then they get aids
+Hugh H Nice!
I wanna know how they get this information
The Kardashians and friends. Who else??
Exactly what I wanna know!!
From the kardashian…they been exposed for calling the paparazzi on themselves already
King 808s all entertainment
The big mouth Kimmm
Is she starting to realize things?😂
Melina get a job and stop worrying about this bs maldita loca
+Manuel Santos yet you are also commenting here. Why dont you get a job and life n stop worrying about other people.
Trav isn’t cheating
+美しい死yas LMFAOOOOO every guy wants her?😂😂😂😂you’re just as delusional as Kylie sweety. Ain’t nobody looking to wife up Kylie ok? And Travis not even attracted to Kylie…KYLIE SAID THIS HERSELF SEVERAL TIMES lol Travis is looking for a way to GET OUT just like Tristan😂
Hmu if u tryna get cheated on too
Kardashians have cried WOLF and bent over into to many dark pits. Over it THANK U NEXT!
We need new celebrities
die hard haha I love this. Make it your own comment
+Alysia Scott
These Kardashians/Jenner’s think their 🐱 is made of gold just because they’re rich & famous. News flash.. y’all are just like everyone else no matter the tax bracket
Exactly the only difference is that they plastic 😂
All these Kardashian’s need to do is get a broke man. He will appreciate everything she has..everything.. But no, they want a guy with money that will treat them as just another chic..oh well
@AllEyezOnAmanda facts
These must be white ppl in the comment section. Ya going against common sense stuff. Especially what the BLK say
I swear some of ya have air for brains…..
TMZ tryna be funny but we know they are cops lol
Travis’s not going anywhere. Kylie has his balls in a bag.
balls in the bag ….but they not wrapped n tied. ..heheeeeee
Stf up jigg!
Why do I not believe this she hasn’t stated anything confirmed so at this point I don’t care 🤷🏽♀️ can’t people just focus on their own lives and move on…
She hasn’t confirmed that it’s not true either
How do you think TMZ got this info? Through her and her family.
Boom Boom what’s the point in airing a story if it’s not true for all we know this is possibly a rumour
Everybody are with those girls just for a hype … after they get it they run away 🏃
Yup Yup
Smart choice really…unless you actually have kids with them
Now another rapper or basketball player possibly has an opportunity to date this billionaire plastic bottle.
“Billionaire plastic bottle” 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀
+based onté. never said i wouldn’t. I would definitely try to get get pregnant.
+Linny Ortiz o for sure. No doubt.
+based onté. well it is true. I can’t get women that are that attractive and superficial. I just can’t. My ideal comment was just an observation.
A plastic bottle 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 I’m done
seems like kanye is the only good man for the kardashian sisters😂😂😂
+Boom Boom OMG.. I’m dead!! 🤣👏
+Rays of Sunshine
And Who are they talking to… You? Otherwise how would you know?
God noooo
Tik Doe lmao 😂
Travis is a good guy. He didn’t cheat
Am I the only one wondering how much money the TMZ voice over dude makes as salary?!?
I swear I do
Travis she’s way richer than you man secure the bag from her first
h3h3 h3 lmfaoo
MYbe he doesn’t think money is everything, money cannot, and will never buy real love. Yeavis never looks interested dead look behind the eyes no smiles. Maybe hes sick of alife in front of the camera and no privacy.